Our E-sports team

The Emseers are a proud sponsor of The Wijay Tribe [TWT], with Dota 2 being the major (and only) sport. The team carries the banner of the Witch Doctor to battle (Poisonrune's artwork).

The Wijay Tribe is known for trying crazy lineups and unusual matchups against other teams and have seen much success in doing so. Check out the past games at http://www.dotabuff.com/teams/1326823.

TWT Logo
Player Positions Heroes
boarnoah 5 Crystal Maiden Silencer Winter Wyvern Dazzle Jakiro
Shadowryas 1/2 Zeus Bloodseeker Ursa Spirit Breaker Slark
poisonrune 3/4/2 Io Rubick Sniper Storm Spirit Tusk
The Right Mouse 1/4 Slark Witch Doctor Timbersaw Abaddon Sand King
Sir Ram 3/2/4/1/5 Tiny Slardar Riki Disruptor Enigma.png